Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First post

Me: Stop talking
Her: I like turtles
Me: Shut up

An hour later:

Her: Yay 20 mins and you get to take part in some brain stimulating activities
Me: Entee betekraheenee lee?

Three hours later:

Her: I'd like you to take note of the fact that this is the first time you have failed to respond to a text msg. You're either so mentally stimulated by social psychology or just sitting on a surrey bus being the terrorist that you are
Me: But i did respond. Did you not get it?
Her: No... Now i am curious
Me: I said... Entee betekraheenee lee?
Her: I responded to that!
Her: Bsara7a ya Omar. Sa3at babos 3ala nafsy fel meraya w ba2ol lenafesey "lei ya rabena ma5ala2teneesh zay Omar" w beyrod 3alaya! Bey2oly "3ashan ya ... Omar da et5ala2 men (material) tany khales. Mish teen zay ba2eet el baney2ademeen... There I said it. That's why
Me: Entee bet5arraffee bet2oolee eih?? Material meen welnas naymeen?
Her: You know what you little hoodrat? From now on, that sentence is copyrighted. That's "meen wel nas naymeen" (.... 2009) to you
Me: 7adrabek... 7a-chain you to the oven... aslan did you finish eating???
Her: tedrabny bema2enak meen ya3ny? Nas 3'ariba walahy! I ate, got home, and lying in bed about to sleep and you're still hiking your way home
Me: ur supposed to support me morally... 3alam bala zoo2 sa7ee7
Her: Enta 3ayesh fein bezabt Akeed fe3alam el-roosoom el mota7arreka ma3 elmaganeen el zay 7adretak. ya 3einy 3aleek... 7at3any fe 7ayatak wallahee
Her (again): Santa doesn't exist.! I said it

That's it for now... stay tuned for more.. :D

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