Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today I was told that I am annoying. I agree. I did not know that being annoying is bad though. The Palestinian resistance in the occupied territories is a bit annoying. They are causing tremendous inconvenience for the Zionists. The Egyptian opposition is a bit annoying too. Mubarak is not too happy to have them there. I am sure the Haitian population is also a bit annoyed by the fact that at least 200,000 of them were killed. The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as also a bit annoyed. They are unable to leave or enter the strip. Also, a lot of them were burned alive by white phosphorous during Operation Cast Lead and they suffer from diseases that require intensive care. That must be annoying.

I am a different kind of annoying though. I am annoying because I keep harassing people to care about the suffering of other people. I am annoying because people do not like it when I accuse them of not caring enough or not caring at all. I turn people against the cause, or against doing any work towards the cause because I keep nagging them and asking them to attend our events looking very desperate. I am very annoying because I talk to people that I do not know aggressively and so casually as if I’ve known them for a long time telling them about what I think of the cause and try to convince them that this cause is worthy of care. People also get annoyed when I keep telling them the same thing over and again. “We get it already, you don’t have to repeat Omar; it’s very annoying,” they say.

I am very annoying and for that I apologize!!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Five minutes later, she responded “well, since god isn't a series of words written by omar shaban.” Those were the exact words as I just copied and pasted them from windows messenger. I think she was trying to be funny. She knew that I did not mean to say god, I meant to say good. I meant to tell her that she will be the judge of what I write. I think she would be a good judge; after all, she did study literature for the past three years or so, and she does claim to be a “grammar queen” (a self-proclaimed position that she may or may not deserve). Why am I writing this anyways? I have a lot of work to do. I have an event on Friday, a proposal due on Thursday, and some other things due on the week after. Furthermore, whatever I am writing does not flow logically. The ideas are not connected and it seems as if there is some sort of mechanical thunderstorm going in my head messing the order that my brain had created. To add insult to injury, this storm is occurring while I am listening to the tunes of Larry Carlton (the jazz player).

Anyways, back to the grammar queen. She just thanked me for sending her a picture of her signature. What a weird person? Or is she weird? Maybe I am the weird one. Why did I send her the picture anyways? Maybe I sent it so that she thanks for sending it; or maybe I wanted to be funny. I said “hahahaha…. You’re welcome” but I didn’t really laugh, but she does not know that; she’s on the other side of the screen, probably thinking about what she’s going to write in her story about the “retarded” individual that she told me about today. By the way, I put the word retarded between quotations because I personally do not like the word because while it may be an accurate description of the person in her story, the term grew to become an insult. As if it is the person’s fault for being retarded. People have forgotten that being a retard is nothing but a medical condition that is sometimes born with the person and sometimes acquired during his/her lifetime (notice how I tried to be gender natural). I bet you her story is going to be fascinating. “Her” being the grammar queen.

By the way, she wasn’t wearing make-up on her eyes today. I don’t think she should.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First post

Me: Stop talking
Her: I like turtles
Me: Shut up

An hour later:

Her: Yay 20 mins and you get to take part in some brain stimulating activities
Me: Entee betekraheenee lee?

Three hours later:

Her: I'd like you to take note of the fact that this is the first time you have failed to respond to a text msg. You're either so mentally stimulated by social psychology or just sitting on a surrey bus being the terrorist that you are
Me: But i did respond. Did you not get it?
Her: No... Now i am curious
Me: I said... Entee betekraheenee lee?
Her: I responded to that!
Her: Bsara7a ya Omar. Sa3at babos 3ala nafsy fel meraya w ba2ol lenafesey "lei ya rabena ma5ala2teneesh zay Omar" w beyrod 3alaya! Bey2oly "3ashan ya ... Omar da et5ala2 men (material) tany khales. Mish teen zay ba2eet el baney2ademeen... There I said it. That's why
Me: Entee bet5arraffee bet2oolee eih?? Material meen welnas naymeen?
Her: You know what you little hoodrat? From now on, that sentence is copyrighted. That's "meen wel nas naymeen" (.... 2009) to you
Me: 7adrabek... 7a-chain you to the oven... aslan did you finish eating???
Her: tedrabny bema2enak meen ya3ny? Nas 3'ariba walahy! I ate, got home, and lying in bed about to sleep and you're still hiking your way home
Me: ur supposed to support me morally... 3alam bala zoo2 sa7ee7
Her: Enta 3ayesh fein bezabt Akeed fe3alam el-roosoom el mota7arreka ma3 elmaganeen el zay 7adretak. ya 3einy 3aleek... 7at3any fe 7ayatak wallahee
Her (again): Santa doesn't exist.! I said it

That's it for now... stay tuned for more.. :D